Julie Liddell Whitehead
Official Panelist
2024 Participant · Fiction · Southern · Mississippi

Julie lives and writes from Mississippi.
Her debut fiction collection, Hurricane Baby: Stories, publishes August 2024 from Madville Publishing. The characters in these stories face extreme circumstances with only their inner resources to count on-and in many cases, that proves to not be enough to deal with the mental challenges of living through Hurricane Katrina.
As an award-winning freelancer, she writes on topics concerning mental health, mental health education, and mental health advocacy. Julie was diagnosed with bipolar I disorder in her mid-thirties in 2006. She blogs about her experiences and daily life with bipolar at the site Not Quite Right: Living with Bipolar Disorder.
She has a bachelor's degree in communication and a master's degree in English, both from Mississippi State University. In August 2021, she completed her MFA in creative nonfiction from Mississippi University for Women.
Book Title(s)
- Hurricane Baby: Stories