Catherine Simone Gray
Official Panelist
2024 Participant · Workshop Leader

Catherine is an author, educator, and creator of the blog Unsilenced Woman, where her writings on motherhood, the body, and healing from trauma have captivated audiences globally of up to 2.5 million. Her work has been shared by respected organizations for new mothers, such as La Leche League, International Cesarean Awareness Network, and ImprovingBirth. Featured by Roxane Gay as an Emerging Writer in The Audacity, Catherine’s work has also appeared in The Bitter Southerner and the Michigan Quarterly Review: Mixtape. She is the recipient of a literary arts fellowship from the Mississippi Arts Commission. Her debut memoir Proud Flesh: A Memoir of Motherhood, Intimate Violence, and Reclaiming Pleasure will be released in 2025. She makes her home in Jackson with her husband and their two sons.